Our offerings to you.
What we offer
We offer a variety of services that will help you achieve your best health.
Now accepting Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare & Sentara Health Plans
Internal medicine new patient consultation
New patient telemedicine visit
Welcome to Medicare physical
Annual Medicare Wellness visit
Immigration Medical Exam
Click to learn more about this service
Urgent visit
Home visit
Nutrition counseling first visit- $150
Nutrition counseling subsequent visits- $115
Nutrition Counseling Package! - $350
Initial visit, 2 follow up visits (can be paid in 3 month installments)
** We have access to epic records from UVA and Martha Jefferson and are able to electronically communicate with all the offices in Charlottesville**
Laceration repair
Nebulizer treatments
IV fluids
IV Diuretic
IV Antibiotic
IV Antinausea
IV Toradol
Steroid injection
Streptococcal Group A test
In office antibiotic treatment
Abscess drainage